About Quantum InnovationsQuantum Innovations, LLC is dedicated to developing and marketing patented, innovative products and services aimed at large and growing the e-records markets. The Company is managed by a dedicated staff of professionals with backgrounds in Healthcare, technology, law, and other mission critical disciplines. Our Company mission is to develop and commercialize unique, patented products and services aimed at large and growing e-records markets. The markets and professionals we serve include:
Our patented technology is aimed at serving markets where is it critical to create accurate, watermark-protected, tamper proof digital documents (either from paper originals or digital originals) that can be authenticated by the creator, as well as an objective third party. Our products allow professionals, corporations, and other business entities to comply with state and federal laws regarding document security, confidentiality and protecting consumer rights ( HIPAA, Lawyer-Client Confidentiality, Insurance regulations, Sarbanes-Oxley and other state and federal regulations). e-mail: mdwatch@compuserve.com Quantum Innovations, LLC p. (203) 288-1588 f. (203) 288-1589 |